Megaloblastic anemia is defined when MCV is greater than
>110 fl
>95 fl
>85 fl
Laboratory findings in megaloblastic anemia (>1)
Low MCV low MCH, low serum iron
Increased indirect bilirubin in serum
High MCV, high MCH, low level of vit. B12
Which anemias are presented with increased serum bilirubin
Anemia perniciosa (Megaloblastic)
Iron deficiency anemia
Hemolytic anemias
In hemolytic jaundice in the scrum there is increased level of
Direct bilirubin
Indirect bilirubin
Both fractions
In hemolytic jaundice in urine is detected
Increased urobiIinogen
Laboratory findings in hemolytic jaundice are
Increased indirect bilirubin, bilirubinuria, low serum iron
Direct hyperbilirubinemia, bilirubinuria, increased serum iron
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia, urobilinogenuria, increased serum iron
Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by the following
Renal diseases are common etiological factors
It is mycrocyte, hypochromic anemia
The most often etiologic factors are bleeding from GIT in men and women, as well as from genitalia in women
In anemia perniciosa the erythrocytes are
Hyperchromic megaloblasts
Hypochromic macrocytes
Hypochromic microcytes
In iron deficiency anemia erythrocytes are
Hyperchromic macrocytes
Hyperchromic microcytes
"Blue"bone marrow is found in
Anemia perniciosa
Schonlein-Hennoch vasculitis
Which of the following anemias are hemolytic
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficit
Sickle cell anemia
Folic acid deficiency anemia
Which anemias are hyperregularatory, I.e. Reticulocytosis is present
Aplastic anemia
Reticulocytosis is found in
After acute hemorrhage in the stage of recovery
Anemia perniciosa few day s after the stall of vit. B 12 therapy
Target cells are typical for
Megaloblast anemias
B thalassemia
Typical clinical features of Hodgkin's disease are
Undulating fever-gradual increase of body temperature for days or weeks, followed by an afebrile period
Hepato-and splenomegaly in I clinical stage
Debut with mediastinal lymphadenomegaly in 70% of the patients
In about 70% of patients with Hodgkin's disease the initial lymphadenomegaly is located in
Left submandibular lymph nodes
Left supraclavicular lymph nodes
Mediastinal lymphadenomegaly
Giant Reed-Sternberg cells are detected in
Graves' disease
Hodgkin's disease
Berger's disease
Eosinophilia in differential blood count is typical for
Chronic renal failure
Bronchial asthma
Which hematologic disease is presented by ulceronecrotic oral lesions
Blast leucosis
Bence-Jones protein in urine is detected in
Liver cirrhosis
Multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a malignant transformation of
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
Philadelphia chromosome is a typical marker of
Acute blast leucosis
Chronic myeloleucosis
Congenital hemolytic anemias
Hiatus leukemicus is typical for
Chronic lympholeucosis
Peripheral blood-like bone marrow with all maturation stages present is pathognomonic for
In acute blast leucosis the leukocyte number might be
In chronic myeloleucosis leukocyte number is
In which diseases leucopenia is found
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Bone marrow hypoplasy due to drug intoxication
In which hematologic diseases bone lesions are present
Acute lymphoblast leucosis
Generalized Iymphadenomegaly is present in
In acute blast leucosis in the oral cavity are found
Ulcero-necrotic lesions
Hypertrophic gingivitis
Prolonged clotting time is met in
Prolonged bleeding time is found in
Aspirin intake
In a hemophiliac patient is found
Ulcero-necrotic oral lesions
Hemarthroses and muscle hematomas