Pectus carinatum (pigeon's chest) is met in
Pulmonary emphysema
The features of emphysema (barrel chest) are
Sagittal dimensions arc larger than transversal ones, the course of the ribs is horizontal, epigastric angle is larger than 90 degrees, smooth
Sagittal dimensions are smaller than transversal ones, the course of the ribs is steep, epigastric angle is smaller than 90 degrees
The upper part of the chest (above IV rib) is larger, while the lower part is flat and narrow
Sputum as a "raspberry jelly" is a typical symptom in
Bronchial asthma
Pulmonary carcinoma
Haemoptoe is found in
Pulmonary abscesses
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Dyspnea in bronchial asthma is
None of both is correct
When tumors, foreign bodies or stenosis obstruct the upper airways we have
Inspiratory dyspnea
Expiratory dyspnea
Mixed dyspnea
The normal respiratory rate in adults is
In a newborn baby the respiratory rate is
Smaller than in adults
Greater than in adults
There is no difference
Temporary stop of breathing is called
Deep, noisy Kussmal breathing is met in
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Flare of bronchial asthma
Uraemic coma
"Barking"cough is typical for
Pneumonia crouposa (Lobar pneumonia)
Vocal fremitus in pulmonary infarction is
Which disease is presented by a stronger vocal fremitus
Chronic bronchitis
Exudative pleuritis
Lobar pneumonia
Weaker vocal fremitus is detected in
The lower border of the right lung along the midclavicular line is located on
V rib
VI rib
VII rib
Respiratory expansion along the midclavicular line is
2 cm
5 cm
7 cm
The normal Kroenig spaces is
3 cm
4 cm
5-7 cm
Which disease is presented by a narrow Kroenig's space
Bilateral basal bronchopneumonia
Carcinoma of Pancoast-Tobias
Hyperresonant sound is typical for
Dull sound is found in
Acute bronchitis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Tympanic sound is detected in
Drained (empty) abscesses
Tuberculose caverna
Which statement, concerning moist ronchi is correct
Formed in alveoli
Formed in alveoli, when a liquid secretion is present, heard during expiration
Formed in bronchi, when liquid secretion is present, heard during inspiration
Which pathologic processes are the background for the formation of dry ronchi
Presence of liquid in alveoli
Tenacious exudates (secretion) in bronchi
Dry wheezing ronchi are met in
Typical features of rales (crepitations)
Formed when liquids are present in bronchi; heard during inspiration
Formed in alveoli, auscultated at the peak of inspiration
Formed in the presence of a tenacious secretion in bronchi, heard in both phases of respiration and more prominent during expiration
Differential diagnosis between moist ronchi and crepitations
Moist ronchi are formed in bronchi, crepitations are formed in alveoli
Crepitations are changed by the cough
Moist ronchi are auscultated during inspiration, crepitations are heard at the peak of inspiration
Pleural friction rub is heard
Only during expiration
During both phases: inspiration and expiration
Only during inspiration
Differential diagnosis between dry ronchi and pleural friction rub
Dry ronchi are heard only during inspiration, pleurai friction rub is heardi n expitation
Pleural friction rub is auscultated only during inspiration; dry ronchi are heard close to the ear and are getting louder under the pressure off the stethoscope
Dry ronchi are heard in both phases: inspiration and expiration, more prominent during expiration; pleural friction rub is heard in both phases and is getting louder under the pressure of the stethoscope
Over a drained (empty) abscesses are detected
Weaker vocal fremitus, dull sound, crepitations (crackles)
Stronger vocal fremitus, tympanic sound, bronchial breathing
Stronger vocal fremitus, clear sound, dry wheezes
Crackles are heard in
Exacerbated chronic bronchitis
Pulmonary oedema
Chronic bronchitis is presented by
During exacerbation crackles are heard
During exacerbation bronchial breathing and pleural friction rub are heard
During exacerbation dry, Medium and small moist ronchi are heard
Basic diagnostic criteria of acute bronchitis and pneumonias are
Acute bronchitis is a clinical diagnosis, radiographic changes are absent. Chest radiography is obligatory for the precise diagnosis of pneumonias
In acute bronchitis typical radiographic changes are present. For the diagnosis of pneumonias besides chest radiography, functional exam of respiration is obligatory
For the diagnosis of acute bronchitis and pneumonias are needed, clinical exam, chest radiography and functional exam of respiration
Lobar pneumonia is presented by
Lobar pneumonia affects interstitum of lungs
In the stages of grey and red hepatization crackles are auscultated
In the stages of grey and red hepatization bronchial breathing is heard
Febris continua
Crepiatio indux
Purpura simplex
In which stage of lobar pneumonia crepitatio indux is heard
In the stage of red hepatization
In the stage of hyperemia
In the stage of resolution
Physical findings in exudative pleuritis in the region of effusion
Weaker vocal fremitus, dull sound, weak or missing vesicular breathing
Stronger vocal fremitus, tympanic sound, dry ronchi
Weaker fremitus. Bronchovesicular breathing, dry ronchi
Physical findings in pulmonary emphysema
Hyper resonant sound
Weaker vocal fremitus
Weak vesicular breathing with prolonged expiration
In which diseases pathologic bronchial breathing is heard
Lobar pneumonia in the stage of hepatization
Over an empty cavity
The highest point of the line of Damoiseau in a patient with exudative pleuritis is on
Scapular line
Midaxilar line
Posterior axilar line
On the line of Damoiseau breathing is
Gentle bronchiaI
Weak vesicular
Percutory sound in Garland's triangle is
The percutory sound in Grocco-Rauchfuss' triangle is
Vomique is a typical symptom for
Lung abscessus
Which instrumental techniques are used in the diagnostics of bronchiectasis
CT with a high resolution
Increased levels of serum IgE are detected in
Allergic bronchial asthma
Non-allergic bronchial asthma
Cardiac asthma
Charcot-Leyden crystals are detected in
Lung carcinoma
Higher eosinophil count is found in
Lung abscesses
Which techniques can detect pathognomonic for bronchial asthma features
Functional assessment of respiration
Chest radiography
Bronchodilation test
In bronchial asthma Tiffeneau index (FEV1/VC) is
Blood for gas analysis is taken from
Radial artery
Femoral artery
Cubital vein
Normal Pa02 is
100 mmHg
80-96 mmHg
75-95 mmHg
The presence of a pleural effusion can be visualized by