Meghan  Tennant
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on POLS 2311 Final Practice Test Part III, created by Meghan Tennant on 30/06/2018.

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Meghan  Tennant
Created by Meghan Tennant about 6 years ago

POLS 2311 Final Practice Test Part III

Question 1 of 40


Conference committees are

Select one of the following:

  • temporary, invoke members from both houses of Congress, and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate.

  • temporary and are created to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction of existing committees, to highlight an issue, or to investigate a particular problem.

  • permanent and involves members from both the House and the Senate

  • permanent and have the power to write and propose legislation.


Question 2 of 40


A U.S. senator has a _______ year term.

Select one of the following:

  • eight

  • six

  • two

  • four


Question 3 of 40


The concept of oversight refers to the effort made by

Select one of the following:

  • Congress to make executive agencies accountable for their actions.

  • the president to make Congress accountable for its actions

  • the states to make the federal government responsible for its actions.

  • the courts to make the legislative and executive branches responsible for their actions.


Question 4 of 40


When President Lincoln issued a series of executive orders for which he had no clear legal authority during the start of the Civil War, it illustrated the

Select one of the following:

  • delegated powers of the presidency

  • inherent powers of the presidency

  • expressed powers of the presidency

  • "going public" strategy


Question 5 of 40


The expansion of the Executive Office of the President, the development of regulatory review, and the use of executive orders have been important because they

Select one of the following:

  • make it very difficult for challengers to defeat incumbent presidents in elections

  • have dramatically limited the power of the president and made it easier for Congress to dominate the American political system.

  • have given presidents substantial capacity to achieve significant policy results despite congressional opposition to their legislative agendas.

  • are deeply unpopular with the public and have led to the declining trust in American government


Question 6 of 40


Gerrymandering refers to the

Select one of the following:

  • investigations of the executive branch by members of Congress.

  • tactic used by members of the Senate to prevent action in legislation they oppose by continuously holding the floor and speaking until the majority backs down.

  • practice whereby legislators trade their support or opposition on one bill to get the support of another legislator on a different bill.

  • manipulation of electoral districts to serve the interests of a particular group.


Question 7 of 40


Congress is a _____ legislature with _______ members.

Select one of the following:

  • bicameral; 275

  • unicameral; 342

  • bicameral; 535

  • bicameral; 100


Question 8 of 40


Under the original Constitution, senators

Select one of the following:

  • were selected by the federal judiciary

  • were appointed by state legislatures

  • could serve only two terms

  • served four-year terms


Question 9 of 40


The use of taxing and spending powers to shape the economy is part of _______ policy.

Select one of the following:

  • distributive

  • redistributive

  • fiscal

  • monetary


Question 10 of 40


______ powers are specifically established by the language of the Constitution.

Select one of the following:

  • Expressed

  • Delegated

  • Implied

  • Inherent


Question 11 of 40


The last time Congress exercised its constitutional power to declare war was during

Select one of the following:

  • the Korean War

  • the Iraq War

  • World War II

  • the Vietnam War


Question 12 of 40


An informal group of advisers to the president is often called the

Select one of the following:

  • round table

  • Kitchen Cabinet

  • plumbers

  • inner cabinet


Question 13 of 40


The Civil Service Act of 1883 attempted to pattern government hiring after practices found in

Select one of the following:

  • business

  • the Catholic Church

  • Congress

  • local government


Question 14 of 40


A filibuster allows members of the Senate to

Select one of the following:

  • add amendments to any bill at any time

  • prevent a vote on a bill by speaking continuously on the floor

  • refer a bill to multiple committees

  • avoid a conference committee


Question 15 of 40


Members of interest groups in the United States are typically people

Select one of the following:

  • from the lower socioeconomic levels

  • who identify as Democrats

  • with higher levels of income and education

  • who work in manual labor and unskilled occupations


Question 16 of 40


What is the primary function of a PAC?

Select one of the following:

  • to build better networks between interest groups and political parties.

  • to produce and carry out an institutional advertising campaign

  • to raise grassroots support for a particular interest

  • to raise and distribute money to election campaigns


Question 17 of 40


Which of the following is the best description of an iron triangle?

Select one of the following:

  • the domination of a few large companies in the regulation of iron mining and smelting.

  • the sable relationship between a bureaucratic agency, a clientele group, and a legislative committee.

  • the breakdown in the separation of powers between Congress, the federal judiciary, and the president.

  • the inability to reform federal rules without help from the House of Representatives, the Senate, ant he president.


Question 18 of 40


Which of the following groups is most likely to belong to the New Politics movement?

Select one of the following:

  • recent immigrants to the United States

  • upper-middle-class professionals, for whom the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s were key experiences.

  • blue-collar workers whose formative experience was the Great Depression.

  • conservative evangelical southerners, reacting to the cultural changes of the 1960s.


Question 19 of 40


Oversight can best be described as the

Select one of the following:

  • approval that the Senate must give to all president appointments to the federal judiciary.

  • organizational control exercised by party whips over members of Congress.

  • efforts of Congress to supervise the manner in which its laws are implemented by the executive branch.

  • authority of committee chairs over the hearings and investigations conducted by the subcommittees.


Question 20 of 40


In order to get around the need for Senate approval of treaties, many contemporary presidents made use of ____ in foreign affairs.

Select one of the following:

  • international protocols

  • diplomacy

  • executive agreements

  • executive immunity


Question 21 of 40


What is the primary constitutional task of the vice president, besides succeeding the president in case of death, resignation, or incapacitation?

Select one of the following:

  • to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives

  • to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate

  • to run the day-to-day operations of the Executive Office of the President

  • to represent the president overseas


Question 22 of 40


The solidary benefits of interest groups include

Select one of the following:

  • friendship and consciousness-raising

  • special services and goods

  • information and money

  • identification with the purpose or ideology of the group


Question 23 of 40


The term "pork barrel" refers to

Select one of the following:

  • bills that grant a special privilege to a person named in the bill

  • appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but that are created so that local representatives can win reelection in their home districts.

  • the collective set of law hat regulates America's meat exports.

  • any piece of legislation that changes the number of agricultural subsidies provided to farmers by the federal government.


Question 24 of 40


What is it called when two members of Congress share no common interests but agree to support each other's bill?

Select one of the following:

  • filibustering

  • delegating

  • logrolling

  • bargaining


Question 25 of 40


_____ is a strategy that attempts to mobilize the widest and most favorable climate of opinion.

Select one of the following:

  • Creating a "war room"

  • Going public

  • Litigation

  • Creating an iron triangle


Question 26 of 40


_____ occurs when the federal government passes authority to administer a program to state or local governments.

Select one of the following:

  • Privatization

  • Deregulation

  • Implementation

  • Devolution


Question 27 of 40


The best description of the ideal of pluralism is that

Select one of the following:

  • the public good should always trump individual interests.

  • interest groups should be free to compere for governmental influence.

  • interest groups are factions that endanger liberty.

  • democracy is best served by legalizing but regulating the influence of interest groups.


Question 28 of 40


Which of the following groups has had he greatest success with a strategy of litigation?

Select one of the following:

  • the National Rifle Association

  • the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

  • the National Chamber of Commerce

  • the Southern Christian Leadership Conference


Question 29 of 40


The goal of the War Powers Resolution was to

Select one of the following:

  • end the Vietnam War.

  • limit the ability of Congress to cut off funding for troops when the president send them overseas without congressional approval.

  • compel a congressional declaration of war for every large-scale military operation.

  • limit the power of the president to commit American troops to military action authorization from Congress.


Question 30 of 40


When membership in an organization allows for a reduction in the price of museum tickets, it is called a

Select one of the following:

  • promotion offer

  • purposive benefit

  • material benefit

  • solidary benefit


Question 31 of 40


______ is the primary mission of the State Department.

Select one of the following:

  • Military protection

  • International aid

  • National security

  • Diplomacy


Question 32 of 40


A senator or representative running for reelection is called the

Select one of the following:

  • constituent

  • incumbent

  • trustee

  • delegate


Question 33 of 40


The Freedom of Information Act is designed to

Select one of the following:

  • lead to a quicker filing of habeas corpus petitions.

  • make more national security documents available to the public.

  • prevent inefficiency and waste in government management

  • expand the freedom of speech granted to government employees.


Question 34 of 40


When presidents use popular appeals in an attempt to create a mass base of support that will allow them to accomplish their goals, it is referred to as

Select one of the following:

  • "selling out"

  • "propagandizing the public"

  • "going rogue"

  • "going public"


Question 35 of 40


Which of the following best describes a way in which the House differs from the Senate?

Select one of the following:

  • The House is more centralized and organized than the Senate.

  • The House is a looser and more deliberative body than the Senate

  • The members of the House are much less specialized then the members of the Senate.

  • The House has a much greater level of turnover in its membership than the Senate.


Question 36 of 40


President Clinton was unusual among modern presidents because he left the White House

Select one of the following:

  • more popular than when he entered.

  • less popular than when he entered.

  • without issuing a single signing statement.

  • without issuing a single executive order.


Question 37 of 40


How do interest groups use litigation as a strategy of influence?

Select one of the following:

  • They engage in institutional advertising, activate issue networks, and directly lobby judges.

  • They file amicus curiae briefs, finance lawsuits, and bring a suit on behalf of the group.

  • They work with 527 committees, directly lobby judges, and engage in institutional advertising.

  • They directly lobby judges, use direct-mail solicitations, and make campaign contributions to members of Congress.


Question 38 of 40


What is required for Congress to override a presidential veto?

Select one of the following:

  • two-thirds of both houses of Congress

  • a majority of both houses of Congress

  • a unanimous vote of both houses of Congress

  • three-fourths of both houses of Congress


Question 39 of 40


Why is it important for interest groups to offer selective benefits?

Select one of the following:

  • It is necessary to limit the extent of the free-rider problem

  • If they do not, people will join political partied instead

  • Selective benefits are the only way to measure the success of an interest group.

  • If they do not, people will accuse the groups of being antidemocratic


Question 40 of 40


_____ is when bureaucrats attempt to translate laws into specific rules and actions.

Select one of the following:

  • Adjudication

  • Implementation

  • Deregulation

  • Regulation
