Created by Donald Carlson
over 10 years ago
Name two important technological inventions of the late 1800s that were influential to the creation of early electronic music.
Luigi Russolo is known for his design and creation of what instrument?
Luigi Russolo wrote his manifesto titled ______________________________ in 1913.
Luigi Russolo is often regarded as one of the first ______________________________ composers.
Who invented the Telharmonium?
The Telharmonium transmitted to the listener’s home music through ______________________________.
Briefly describe how the Theremin is played.
What was another name for an early Theremin?
______________________________ was a Theremin virtuoso and she toured as a recitalist on the instrument.
The Ondes Martenot is an offspring of what other electronic music instrument?
Briefly describe the design/construction of the Ondes Martenot.
The Ondes Martenot has seen a revival in its use due to the efforts of ______________________________, the guitarist for the band ______________________________.
John Cage studied music composition primarily with what famous modern classical music composer?
Cage studied and was influenced by the philosophy and religion of ______________________________.
John Cage would often use the ancient Chinese divination book called ______________________________ in his compositional methods.
Name one of John Cage’s musical inventions?
Cage is famous for saying “try as we may to make a ___________________________________, we cannot.”
John Cage is known for his indeterminate compositions. Another term for this is ______________________________.
John Cage is cited as one of the first composers to write ______________________________ music, which combines the use of electronic devices with traditional musical instruments.
Poéme Èlectronique was composed for what international event?
There were more than __________ speakers in the walls of the Philips Pavilion for the first performance of Poéme Èlectronique.
Varèse is also known for his works for percussion ensemble including Ionisation, which introduced the ______________________________ as a musical instrument.
Varèse was, at one point, very unhappy with his music leading to a __________ year hiatius.
______________________________ is defined as the character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch or intensity.
Musique concrète can be based on sounds that are ______________________________ or ______________________________.
Pierre Schaeffer thought that composers should stop working as artists and creators and instead become ______________________________ of sound and acoustics.
Pierre Schaeffer saw musique concrète as a sonic analog to ______________________________.
Hugh LeCaine’s Dripsody is composed from a single audio sample of what sound?
Dripsody is mostly based around what musical scale?
What is the name of the early synthesizer invented by Hugh LeCaine?
Xannis Xenakis’ Concret PH is composed from audio samples of what sound?
Concret PH was composed for what international event?
Xenakis also had a career in what other field?
Xenakis created music based on mathematics and probability called ______________________________ music.
Karlheinz Stockhausen appears on the cover of what popular music album?
Stockhausen’s experiments in Elektronische Musik were pieces of music made from ______________________________ sounds.
Name one of the many styles of modern composition that Stockhausen used in his music.
Name the polarizing composer that made controversial statements about the 9/11 tragedy.
Name one of the four men that founded the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center.
Music from the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center was mainly composed on what instrument?
The Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center was founded by a grant from what foundation?
The Mark II Sound Synthesizer was operated using the _____________________________ method similar to a player piano.
Otto Luening and Valdimir Ussachevsky were professors at what university?
Otto Luening’s composition Low Speed uses recorded improvisations of a ______________________________ that are to be played back and performed over in a live setting.
Milton Babbitt’s work Philomel uses the compositional technique of ______________________________, a style that seeks to structure and control every element of pitch, rhythm, dynamics and articulation.
Steve Reich is one of the pioneers of musical ______________________________.
Steve Reich’s particular style of composing used in such pieces as Come Out, and Pendulum Music involves repetitions of sound that goes in and out of ______________________________.
Minimalism is described as a compositional practice that relies heavily on ______________________________.
Reich stated, “I do not mean the process of composition, but rather pieces of music that are, literally, _____________________________.
What is the occupation of the person whose voice is heard in the composition It’s Gonna Rain?
Steve Reich is originally from ______________________________.