Ismael Vázquez
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Semana Carol (2 parcial)

Ismael Vázquez
Created by Ismael Vázquez over 6 years ago
Ismael Vázquez
Copied by Ismael Vázquez over 6 years ago

95. SEMANAS 2018. Semana Carol (2 parcial)

Question 1 of 24


Q9. One of the main problems of the internal combustion engines is:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. They are not powerful

  • B. The way to refrigerate them

  • C. They have never been used in aviation

  • D. None is correct


Question 2 of 24


Q10. One of the characteristics of star engines is:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. All the cylinders are exposed to the air

  • B. Because of the A), cooling all the cylinders is easier

  • C. They normally use odd number ( to avoid deadtime in diametrally opposed cylinders)

  • D. All are corrects


Question 3 of 24


Q11. Two types of cylinder arrangements are:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. In line and radial

  • B. In line and two-row

  • C. Only in line

  • D. Only radial


Question 4 of 24


Horizontal type of cylinder in line:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Are worse of vertical

  • B. Are better of vertical due to reduced length

  • C. Are less compact unit

  • D. They have more vibrations


Question 5 of 24


Q13. A great problem of vertical cylinder is:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. The air that reaches the last cylinder is too hot

  • B. There is not any problem, they are easy to cool

  • C. None is correct

  • D. Vertical cylinders do not need to be refrigerated, they count with a heat radiation system


Question 6 of 24


Q14. The four-stroke cycle are:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Compression, power, intake and exhaust

  • B. Power, compression, exhaust and intake

  • C. Exhaust, intake, power, compression

  • D. Intake, compression, power and exhaust


Question 7 of 24


Q15. A way to aspiration in cylinders is:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Normally aspirated, that is called atmospheric

  • B. Supercharged/turbocharged

  • C. A) and B) are corrects

  • D. The only way of aspiration it is the atmospheric one.


Question 8 of 24


Q16. About the valve timing in Otto cycle:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Valves must open not exactly at TDC and BDC to improve the engine efficiency

  • B. Valves must close not exactly at TDC and BDC to improve the engine efficiency

  • C. Valves must open and close exactly at TDC and BDC to improve the engine efficiency.

  • D. A) and B) are correct


Question 9 of 24


Q1. Mark the wrong answer about ice formation on carburetors

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Trottle / expansion ice: freezing of condensed water vapor of the air at or near the throttle

  • B. Static / adiabatic ice: when the ambient is very cold the carburetor can be frozen

  • C. Fuel / fuel evaporation ice: due to the cooling effect of the evaporation of the fuel

  • D. Impact / atmospheric ice: water in suspension in the atmosphere comes into contact with cold parts


Question 10 of 24


Q2. Carburetors work thanks to _______ effect

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Venturi

  • B. Gravity

  • C. Coriollis

  • D. Magnus


Question 11 of 24


Q3. The numeration of cylindres in boxer engines:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Right cylinders are odd

  • B. It is established by the manufacturer

  • C. It is the same for all engines

  • D. Left cylinders are even


Question 12 of 24


Q4. Valves are made of...

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Steel

  • B. Flexible material

  • C. Iron

  • D. Composites


Question 13 of 24


Q5. Name the different types of piston rings

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Oil control, compression and oil scraper

  • B. Expansion and oil scraper

  • C. Oil control and oil scraper

  • D. None of them


Question 14 of 24


Q6. Types of pistons

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Trunk pistons

  • B. Slipper pistons

  • C. Hammer pistons

  • D. A and B are correct


Question 15 of 24


Q7. What is the effect of holes in pistons?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. It improves lubrication

  • B. It decreases combustion temperature

  • C. It improves refrigeration

  • D. A and C are correct


Question 16 of 24


Q8. Where do we find the sparks?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Crankshaft

  • B. Valves

  • C. Cylinder head

  • D. In the cone of the proppeller


Question 17 of 24


Q1. How does the injection carburetor work?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. By pressure

  • B. By gravity

  • C. Both are right

  • D. Both are wrong


Question 18 of 24


Q2. Advantages of using carburetors

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Inertia forces are not suffered

  • B. Poor mixtures are avoided

  • C. A and B are true

  • D. A and B are false


Question 19 of 24


Q3. Different kind of injections

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Direct injection

  • B. Indirect injection

  • C. By pass injection

  • D. A and B are true


Question 20 of 24


Q4. Which of the following is NOT a method to distribute the oil?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Pressure

  • B. Gravity

  • C. Splash

  • D. Pressure + Splash


Question 21 of 24


Q5. Which of the following is a Lubrication System component?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Tail

  • B. Flap

  • C. Coolers

  • D. Winglets


Question 22 of 24


Q6. Which ones are turbocharger control systems?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Absolute pressure controller

  • B. Variable pressure controller

  • C. Dual unit controller

  • D. All are correct


Question 23 of 24


Q7. Which is the main advantage of continuous injection?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Lower consumption

  • B. Lower pressure

  • C. Lower noises

  • D. Lower number of cylinders


Question 24 of 24


Q8. Which are the main injection systems used in aviation alternative engines?

Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Continental and Bendix/Precision

  • B. Diesel and Otto

  • C. A and B are correct

  • D. A and B are false
