Created by abby Radske
almost 7 years ago
Define Groundwater
Where is groundwater found?
Define Aquifer
Define Aquitard
Define Aquiclude
Porosity vs Permeability
Define Hydraulic Conductivity
Unsaturated Zone
Water Table
Zone of Saturation
Unconfined (Phreatic) Aquifers
Confined (artesian) Aquifers
Defines Springs
What are Qanats
How does groundwater move?
What is Darcy's Law of groundwater flow?
What is the hydraulic head?
What is Darcy's Flux?
How do you find the velocity for groundwater flow?
aquifers are composed of different types of materials :
how are karst caves formed? what are some karst features?
Groundwater Movement in Streams:
what are the 2 basic ways that groundwater moves?
What can over pumping of groundwater by wells cause?
What can over pumping of groundwater in coastal regions cause?
Tracing Groundwater Recharge
Isotope Hydrology
Isotopes that make up water
What minerals can be found in groundwater?
How does biodegradation contribute to minerals in groundwater?
Carbonic acid and groundwater mineralization
What are some sources of groundwater contamination?
What are some of the main sources of nitrate?
what are Organic non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) ?
How do NAPLs affect our groundwater?
what is Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) and explain the process
Examples of how aquitards can be used as barriers to contaminants