Naomi Nakasone
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Psychology (Child Development) Quiz on Chapter 9 - Development of Language and Communication Skills, created by Naomi Nakasone on 19/03/2018.

Naomi Nakasone
Created by Naomi Nakasone over 6 years ago

Chapter 9 - Development of Language and Communication Skills

Question 1 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax ) is the sound system of a language and the rules for combining these sounds to produce meaningful units of speech


Question 2 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax ) is composed of the rules governing the formation of meaningful words from sounds


Question 3 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax ) is the expressed meaning of words and sentences


Question 4 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax ) is the structure of a language; the rules specifying how words and grammatical markers are to be combined to produce meaningful sentences


Question 5 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax ) include principles that underlie the effective and approptiate use of language to social contexts


Question 6 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

A young child's tendency to use relatively specific words to a broad set of objects, actions or events is called a(n) ( overextension, underextension )


Question 7 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

The notion that young children make inferences about the meaning of words by analyzing the way words are used insentences and inferring whether they refer to objects, actions, or attributes is called ( object scope constraint, mutual exclusivity constraint, lexical contrast constraint, syntactical bootstrapping ).


Question 8 of 28


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

The ( coo, holophrase, babble ) is the single-word utterance that represents an entire sentence's worth of meaning.


Question 9 of 28


Tamina is preoccupied with pointing at things and asking what they are. She is a toddler who experiences

Select one of the following:

  • the naming explosion

  • prelinguistic vocables

  • an overactive language acquisition device

  • metalinguistic awareness


Question 10 of 28


The fact that coos sound the same whether or not the young infant can hear suggests that coos

Select one of the following:

  • convey self-generated meanings for adult listeners

  • develop with maturation of the brain and vocal organs

  • are a relection of the parents' recasts and extensions

  • arise from the infant's mutual exclusivity constraint


Question 11 of 28


The unfant uses imperatice gestures to get others to

Select one of the following:

  • notice the infant's ideas

  • expand pidgin into vocables

  • fulfill the infant's requests

  • initiate communication via telegraphic speech


Question 12 of 28


The first word of a first child usually vastly differs from those of their younger siblings. This illustrates the concept of

Select one of the following:

  • the sensitive-period hypothesis

  • the birth order hypothesis

  • the sex-difference hypothesis

  • the critical period hypothesis


Question 13 of 28


During the last phase of question asking, the child is able to ask adultlike questions such as:

Select one of the following:

  • "What is Mommy reading?"

  • "Where Mommy?"

  • "Mommy here?"

  • "Where Mommy go?"


Question 14 of 28


Cross-cultural studies on passives show that children whose language has many passive constructions

Select one of the following:

  • get bored with passives, so actives are preferred

  • use many passives in their own uttered sentences

  • have family pets that show humanlike fluencies

  • become "cognitively chokes" on sentences' meanings


Question 15 of 28


Level of _________ is a strong predictor of the child's reading skill in grade school

Select one of the following:

  • holophrase pidginization

  • overextended underextension

  • interest in a well-balanced diet

  • phonological awareness


Question 16 of 28


Conversing with siblings promotes effective communication because

Select one of the following:

  • telegraphic speech is highly accurate in its content

  • creoles debelop more from children than from adults

  • kids in large groups shout at one another

  • noticing siblings' conprehension errors makes the speaker aware of the need to express indeas clearly


Question 17 of 28


Overregularization refers to the young child's tendency to use relatively specific words to refer to a broader set of objects, actions, or events than adults do (such as using the word "car" to refer to all motor vehicles).

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 18 of 28


Transformational grammar refers to rules of syntax that allow one to transform declarative statements into questions, negatives, imperatives, and other kinds of sentences.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 19 of 28


A psycholinguistic studies _______. She is interested in how children learn the meanings of bound morphemes, free morphemes, and sentences.

Select one of the following:

  • phonology

  • morphology

  • semantics

  • syntax


Question 20 of 28


Expansions and recasts are examples of

Select one of the following:

  • pragmatics

  • linguistic universals

  • child-directed speech

  • a language acquisition device


Question 21 of 28


Nativists believe in all of the following except:

Select one of the following:

  • child-directed speech

  • a language acquisition device

  • linguistic universal

  • a sensitive period


Question 22 of 28


A scientist who believes that children who are biologically prepared to acquire language, who have conversations with adults who use child-directed speech, with a nervous system that gradually matures and predisposes them to develop similar language skils at about the same age is known as a(n)

Select one of the following:

  • learning theorist

  • nativist

  • interactionist

  • sensitive period theorist


Question 23 of 28


Infants begin cooing by age ___ month(s) and start to babble by age ___ months.

Select one of the following:

  • 1; 2-3

  • 2; 3-4

  • 2; 4-6

  • 4; 6-7


Question 24 of 28


Development during the __________ allows infants to discriminate speechlike sounds and become sensitive to a wider variety of phonemes than adults are.

Select one of the following:

  • sensitive period

  • phonemic period

  • holophrase period

  • prelinguistic period


Question 25 of 28


Which of the following is not one of the processing constraints that help toddlers figure out word meanings?

Select one of the following:

  • object shape constraint

  • mutual constraint

  • lexical constraint

  • syntactical bootstrapping


Question 26 of 28


During middle childhood and adolescence, children learn more about

Select one of the following:

  • morphological knowledge

  • grammatical morphemes

  • transformational grammar

  • referential communication skills


Question 27 of 28


Rob has learned grammatical morphemes, such as -s for plurals and -ed for past tense. Occasionally he makes errors such as saying, "foots" and "broked." These errors are known as:

Select one of the following:

  • overregularizations

  • recasts

  • expansions

  • morphological extensions


Question 28 of 28


Recent research on bilingual education has found that two-way bilingual education programs

Select one of the following:

  • improve the chid's language skills in both languages

  • improve language in the child's primary language but do not help the child acquire the secondary language

  • improve the child's secondary language but do not help the child acquire his or her primary language

  • do not help the chld learn either language very well
