What artery supplies the inner retina, outer retina, ONH?
choroid, CRA, PCA
CRA, choroid, posterior Ciliary arteries
When cones are disrupted, what will be affected? - - -
If Rods are affected - )
If Macular function is affected - - -
What questions should you ask someone who complains of a 'loss of vision' - ❌ - ❌ - ❌ - ❌ - ❌
Is this a CRA occlusion?
Features of a CRA are: - - - - - -
What is this? - CRA occlusion
What has caused the occlusion? - ssels
What is this? -
What is not a RAO type?
Branch RAO
Cilioretinal artery occlusion
central vein occlusion
What are the signs and symptoms of CRAO
sudden painless loss of vision
retinal oedema
Cherry red spot at macula
arteriole narrowing/attenuation
'cattle trucking' of blood
What are the signs and symptoms of BRAO?
VA variable
No change in VA
RAPD severe
RAPD mild or absent
Retinal oedema
arteriolar narrowing
no changes except slightly pale
most likely cause emboli
The causes of RAO are
Emboli can come from
heart (bits of valve breaks off)
and are 2 causes of atheromatous plaques
If you see a yellow dot in a blood vessel, what should you do?
Leave it, it will be pushed out soon
Refer to GP
Cholesterol Emboli - how many? - - appearance? - - location? - - affect? -
Calcific Emboli - how many? - - appearance? - - location? - - affect? -
Fibrinoplatelet emboli How many - appearance - effect - result in amaurosis fugax, ,
What are the management for CRAO?
emergency referral to eye casualty
ocular massage
rebreath through paper bag
Acetozolamide (CAI)
Topical glaucoma drops - (timolol 0.5%, apraclonidine 1.0%)
Hyperosmotic agents (mannitol, glycerol)
anterior chamber paracentesis
What are the treatment for carotid disease - - -
Rubeosis Iridis is sign of ischemia and can cause glaucoma.
Also only 10% get them
Why would you still refer even if the occlusion is over 48 hours?
Rubeosis Iridis
loss of vision
What are the signs of an old CRAO? - - -
GIANT CELL ARTERITIS (temporal arteritis) - who gets it? symptoms? , , , , , , (jaw claudication), , management - ,