Jessica Powell
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

General Educational Development Certificate Virtual Training (Module 6 Training) Quiz on Building Student Rapport (Through Feedback), created by Jessica Powell on 09/03/2018.

Jessica Powell
Created by Jessica Powell over 6 years ago

Building Student Rapport (Through Feedback)

Question 1 of 4


What is something a teacher should NOT do when providing feedback?

Select one of the following:

  • Be positive

  • Leave feedback that is discouraging

  • Point out areas that need improvement

  • Be flexible with feedback as needed


Question 2 of 4


Why is it important to provide “actionable” evidence to students?

Select one of the following:

  • Students need their hands held, so they need step by step directions.

  • Students don’t need actionable items if the teacher points out what is wrong.

  • Students need actionable items for NCAA reporting purposes.

  • Students need actionable evidence so that they know expectations on how to make improvements.


Question 3 of 4


Which examples of teacher feedback show teachers positively reacting/relating to student work? (Select all that apply)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Good job explaining direct and inverse proportionality. I’ve never seen such a detailed response for this question before. Impressive!

  • Euphemisms are definitely not things that people want to hear, and I’m glad to hear you had trouble coming up with one because you don’t like to use them.

  • The writing in this paper makes me think you don’t really care what your grade is going to end up as.

  • What a great example! I agree that it would be easier if people had a personality test like a pH indicator to see if they were more “acidic” or “base-like” in personality, and it made me wonder if people would use it, but if you made it like the Harry Potter Sorting Hat, I bet a lot of people would want to know. Love the ideas that you had!


Question 4 of 4


Below is sample feedback from teacher Ryan Curry to a student. Read the teacher’s response and then select what areas the teacher could make improvements to the feedback.

"This paper did not make any sense. Did you even bother reading what you wrote before you submitted it? There were a lot of spelling errors and words that don’t even seem like words. Abbreviated text like “ur” and “idek” are not acceptable forms of responses. You should write out the words such as “you are” and “I don’t even know”. Additionally, your points of view conflicted. At one point you stated, “feudalism was clearlly a bad idea bc the ppl didn’t have a say and ur not going to want 2 do nething someone tells u.” At another point, you said, “idek what the ppl would hav done w/o having a king to protect them so they probablee didn’t hav it 2 bad if the king and his knights protektid them for food nd work.” It is unclear if you felt Feudalism was effective or ineffective, which was the whole point of the paper. You clearly need to read the directions more carefully. When taking a stance, make sure to pick one belief, and stick with it. For example, if you believed that feudalism was a bad idea, make sure to list three points to back up the point (such as how it impacted peasants’ freedoms). If you agree that feudalism was an effective ideal, make sure to explain if it was a good idea using three points, such as how the peasants could get protection from the king or his knights."

Select one or more of the following:

  • Too discouraging and argumentative

  • Gave specific examples and actionable items of what to improve

  • Teacher should take out, "Did you even bother reading what you wrote?" and replace it with something that is constructive, such as, "Make sure to read the directions carefully as you missed..."

  • Did not criticize the student enough
