Created by Yinka F
almost 7 years ago
What is the general formula for alkenes?
Are alkenes saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbons?
What is a double bond made up of?
How do σ-bonds form?
How do π-bonds form?
Which of the two types of bonds (σ or π) are weaker than the other?
π-bonds are weaker than σ-bonds. Why?
A double bond is twice as strong as a single bond
Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes
Why are alkenes more reactive than alkanes?
Complete the sentences:
Carbon atoms in a C=C double bond and the atoms bonded to these carbons all lie in the same plane (they're ________). The three bonds ________ each other as much as possible and arrange themselves into a ____________ ___________ shape.
In larger alkenes, only the >C=C< unit is planar
In C=C double bonds, the atoms can't rotate around them like they can around single bonds. Why?
Complete the sentences:
Even though atoms can't rotate around the __________ bond, things can still rotate about any _________ bonds in the molecule. The restricted rotation around the C=C double bond is what causes alkenes to form __________________.
What is the bond angle in a double bond?