Created by Hannah Erickson
almost 7 years ago
Philosophy of Differentiation
What percentage of the school population struggles with mental health?
Most kids don't come with a diagnosis, they come with ________.
The "Invisible Backpack"
Three Types of Trauma
Chronic-complex trauma
Chronic trauma
Acute trauma
Students with mental health problems can display a variety of behavioral issues. These include (7 total):
When anxiety goes UP, working memory _________
Working memory
Students with anxiety
Four crucial executive functioning and emotional skills (from "Helping Anxious Students Move Forward"
Accurate thinking
Ways to promote ACCURATE THINKING (and combat all-or-nothing situations/catastrophic thinking)
Ways to promote INITIATION
Ways to promote PERSISTENCE
Ways to promote HELP-SEEKING (students who struggle with asking for help)
Ways to prevent HELP-SEEKING (students who ask for help too frequently or need assistance with every step of every assignment)
Increasing independence in the classroom
Input/Output inventory
The learning environment actively supports learners and learning
The teacher actively attends to student differences
Ways to actively attend to student diferences
The curriculum must be organized to support learning
Assessment and instruction are inseparable
Teachers must attend to expected norms and individual norms
The teacher and students work together flexibly