Created by Mia Li
almost 7 years ago
Which muscles control the lens of the eye?
What connects the ciliary muscle with the lens?
Normal sight =
Nearsighted =
Farsighted =
To focus on closer objects, the ciliary muscles have to
T/F: Photoreceptors and bipolar cells are neurons.
Photoreceptors are (depolarized/ hyperpolarized) by light.
T/F: Photoreceptors follow a all-or-none hyperpolarization.
When it is dark, ____ and ____ ions can flow into the rods due to presenting ______.
In the light, cGMP is reduced _______ and ______ flow is blocked, pushing the rod into a ________ state.
The discs in the rods contain light sensitive proteins _______, which start a cascade that (closes/opens) the sodium/calcium channel.
What happens at the molecular level on opsin?
Rods and cones are very different photoreceptors. The rods integrate (high/low) accuracy light stimuli, and are good for __________ conditions.
Which is more specific? cones or rods?
Which is better for color detection?
T/F: there are no rods at the fovea.
To differentiate color, cones also have very special gitfs Thri coor od detction are:
cell bodies of optic nerve are the
The (central/off-center ) ganglia cells are more active when the picture is brighter in the middle.
Ganglion cells that prefer 'center brighter than edge' are called _______ while those in
favor of 'the periphery brighter than center' are called _____.
The mGluR6 are ______ receptors
On- and off center is determined in _______
center cone cell is connected to _______ and _______ bipolar cells, which in turn are connected to ______ and ______ ganglion cells.
match the glutamate receptors with type of bipolar cells
1) mGluR6
2) AMPA kainate
Types of glutamate receptors on ganglion cells.
Describe the downstream effect of light shining on central cone.
Order of visual cortex mapping from the most distal to most central.
The _____ has the largest cortical representation.
T/F: V1 represents edges moving in different directions.
V1 has a spacial map of the movement of edges in different orientations in a _______ structure.
The dorsal stream is the wh___ detector of vision. It goes from V1 to ____ to _____.
The ventral stream is the wh___ detector of vision. It goes from V1 to ____ to _____.
Three types of involuntary eye motion are
T/F: neuron firing rate at a constant object is constant.
Three eye movements maintaining the direction of gaze are
Two eye movements maintaining the stabilization of gaze are
Saccades are (voluntary/ involuntary) while microsaccades are (voluntary/ involuntary).
T/F: smooth pursuit is usually initiated with a catch-up saccade
Disconjugate is required for ________
Neurons that fire when an image is in a certain location in the visual field are near neurons that ________.
This is represented in the ________.
Neurons in the substantia nigra inhibit eye movement via the ___________.
T/F: Neurons in the parietal cortex represent the location of saccade targets but are not focused on the target.
Frontal eye field is more focused on the _______ of the saccade.
Which additional part of the brain controls smooth pursuit?