Created by Kareem Magar
almost 7 years ago
1. You are going to measure the relationship between time of studying and getting marks of the Year 9BG class.
a. What is the aim/purpose of this experiment?
b. What is a hypothesis and give one for the experiment above.
c. What are the 3 types of variables and give a definition for each.
d. What are your following variables of the experiment above:
2. What is an inference? Give an example.
3. What is a prediction? Give an example.
MODULE 1.2 -
4. What is a hazard and what is a risk?
5. What are the 3 ways that laboratory chemicals can enter your body?
6. When working with any type of chemical, what are the 6 things you should do?
7. List the risks of working outdoors and possible measures to reduce these risks
8. Ethics in the laboratory are very important. What guidelines must be followed when collecting data using people?
MODULE 1.3 -
9. What is a fair test and what does this ensure?
10. What is the purpose of having a control group in an experiment?
11. A good scientist needs to be objective, not subjective, what does this mean?
12. What are the 2 types of data and what does each describe briefly?
13. What are the 2 types of quantitative data and what is the difference between the two?
MODULE 1.4 -
14. What type of data is a column graph most suitable for?
15. What type of data is a line graph most suitable for?
16. When drawing a line graph, which variable goes on the x and y axis?
17. Below you are given results of an experiment that tested how long it takes for water to boil under a blue Bunsen burner flame. The results are below.
Volume of water (mL) Time in seconds
25mL 30 seconds
50mL 54 seconds
75mL 79 seconds
100mL 109 seconds
125mL 140 seconds
150mL 186 seconds
a. State a hypothesis for your experiment.
b. Which of the following is my independent and dependent variable, how did you know?
c. Is your data discrete or continuous, how did you know?
18. You had someone run a race, and recorded their heart rate over a minute.
Time in seconds Heart beats per second
0sec 86bps
20 sec 90bps
40 sec 110bps
60 sec 132bps
What do you think is the normal heart rate of the person, explain your answer.
19. What is metabolism?
20. Describe the 2 types of metabolism.
Give an example in the body of each (NOT IN REVISION SHEET!!!!)
21. What are enzymes and how do they work?
22. Draw the lock-and-key model to show how enzymes work. Also explain how it works (NOT IN REVISION SHEET!!!)
23. What is a substrate?
24. What are the 3 common types of nutrients you can get and what are they broken down into?
25. Why do the above substances have to be broken down first?
26. What is diffusion? Draw an example below.
27. Give an example of diffusion that occurs in the body.
28. What states of matter does diffusion occur?
29. Describe what is happening in Figure 7.1.5 in your book.
30. What muscle is the heart made of?
31. The heart muscle is involuntary, what does this mean?
32. Draw the heart (figure 7.1.6) with labels.
33. State the function of the SA node (pacemaker) and AV node.
34. Describe ventricular fibrillation.
35. What is the graph that shows an image of the heartbeat called (abbreviation and full word)?
36. In the ECG, what does the small curve going up and large curve going up each represent?
37. What hormone is produced when you go through stress or fear?
38. How does noradrenalin affect the heart rate?
39. Briefly, how does vigorous exercise increase heart rate.
40. What is the function of the mitochondria in the cell?
41. What is the equation for cellular respiration and what is its purpose (NOT IN REVISION SHEET!!!!)
42. What organ removes wastes and what are its 4 functions?
43. Describe interdependence of systems and give 2 examples using figure 7.1.12 of how these 2 systems are interdependent of each other.
MODULE 7.2 -
44. What are the 2 parts of the nervous system and what are the made up of?
45. What are neurons and their function?
46. What are nerve impulses and what direction to they travel?
47. List the functions of the following:
Cell body:
Axon terminals:
48. What are the 3 main types of neurons and what are each of their functions.
49. What chemical is released by the axon terminals and what is its function?
50. What is the synapse?
51. How do you think you having a fever would affect the release of neurotransmitter?
52. What is myelin sheath and what are its 2 functions?
53. Describe Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and why is it important?
54. How much of the brain does the cerebrum occupy?
55. What does the cerebrum control?
56. What are the 2 parts of the cerebrum and what does the left side usually account for and what does the right side usually account for?
57. What do the right and left sides of the brain control in terms of the sides of the body?
58. Where is the cerebellum located and what is it responsible for?
59. Draw figure 7.2.9 of the brain (memorise this)
60. What is the function of the brain stem/medulla and spinal cord?
61. What 3 parts of the brain are involved in protecting the brain and spinal cord and in what way (mention if they protect only the brain, or both brain and spinal cord)?
62. You smell a real dank egg fart in class, this causes you to make a disturbed face and cover your nose. Make a flowchart to represent this stimulus-response situation. (Use figure 7.2.10 to help you) – State the stimulus, receptors involved, sensory/motor nerve involved, hypothalamus, effectors and actions because of the effectors.