Fro Ninja
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Causes of the Cold War Quiz

Fro Ninja
Created by Fro Ninja over 11 years ago

Causes of the Cold War Quiz

Question 1 of 6


What was the nickname given to the plan to help recover Europe from falling to Communism according to the USA?

Select one of the following:

  • Marshall Plan

  • Truman Doctrine

  • Domino Theory

  • Containment Plan


Question 2 of 6


Which of the two conferences came first?

Select one of the following:

  • The Potsdam Conference

  • The Yalta Conference


Question 3 of 6


Which one of these answers is an agreement that was settled at the Postdam Conference in July 1945?

Select one of the following:

  • The amount of money to be paid by Germany

  • That money should be paid by the Germans as concession

  • Both Germany and its Capital, Berlin, should be split into 5 parts

  • Poland should be fully controlled by the USSR and Stalin


Question 4 of 6


Which of these could be considered as the main cause for the Cold War?

Select one of the following:

  • The Differences in Ideologies (Capitalism vs Communism)

  • The events of the Berlin Airlift

  • Ending of World War 2


Question 5 of 6


What was the Iron Curtain?

Select one of the following:

  • A metal curtain

  • A divide between Capitalist and Communist Countries

  • An international divide where no information passed


Question 6 of 6


What was the Soviet 'Sphere of Influence'? Select the two answers that best describe it.

Select one or more of the following:

  • A cushion of countries, protecting the USSR from the Western World

  • Countries in Eastern Europe under the control of the USSR

  • A group of people, highly influenced by Stalin and the USSR's interests

  • The Orb of Destiny

  • The nickname for anyone who could talk to and take advice or guidance from the Soviet Union
