Chompy Holder
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Made by Adam Holder

Chompy Holder
Created by Chompy Holder over 6 years ago

[STRP] LSPD Oral Exam

Question 1 of 24


What is the time limit between each illegal area raid?

Select one of the following:

  • 15 minutes

  • Other (Incorrect)


Question 2 of 24


What are the color codes?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Code Green
    is called when a civilian fails to pull over and is showing no intents of yielding.
    In this case Officers should follow the vehicle at safe distance and wait for further development on the situation.

  • Code Amber
    is called when a civilian fails to pull over , is recklessly driving and/or has harmed another civilian or Peace Officer.
    It is also applied when a subject is in possession of a Peace Vehicle,fleeing from an illegal area or bank / store robbery.
    In this case Officers should try to stop the vehicle using non lethal methods such as PIT manoeuvres and spike strips.

  • Code Red
    A SGT+ can call a Code Red when other methods were tried and have failed to bring the pursuit to an end, or the civilian has just taken part in mass
    killings/shootings.Code red may also be if during the pursuit the fleeing/evading vehicle opens fire on pursuing officers.
    While on code red,officers have the right to use lethal force to disable the vehicle.


Question 3 of 24


What are the three uses of a helicopter?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Persuit

  • Observation

  • Transport


Question 4 of 24


When negotiating at a bank robbery, you feel that the robbers might be using a fake hostage. what would you do to prove this?

Select one of the following:

  • Relay your suspicion to other officers. when securing the hostage, Mirandize them and question them

  • Other (Incorrect)


Question 5 of 24


You respond to a Store robbery alone and upon arrival you find yourself outnumbers. What do you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Attempt contact, if communications fail then fall back and await additionals

  • other (incorrect)


Question 6 of 24


Which of the LSPD colour codes give you reason to use LETHAL force?

Select one of the following:

  • Code Red

  • other (incorrect)


Question 7 of 24


Are you allowed to reduce someones time and/or fine?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, if good RP is present

  • No (incorrect)


Question 8 of 24


When driving on duty, what must you always do if you are to break a traffic law?

Select one of the following:

  • Flash lights and sound siren (Hold G)

  • Nothing (incorrect)


Question 9 of 24


A higher ranking officer orders you to do something that you feel is breaking SOP's. Do you follow their order?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, you must follow CoC, if you do something wrong it will be their responsibility

  • No (Incorrect)


Question 10 of 24


Give your best example of Miranda Rights. - When should they be read?

Select one of the following:

  • You have the right to remain silent, any anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
    You have the right to an attorney, and have that attorney present during any questioning.
    If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided to you by the state at no cost, if available.
    You have the right to invoke these rights at anytime. Do you understand your rights? Knowing your rights do you wish to talk to me?

  • Other (incorrect)


Question 11 of 24


Is flying over an illegal area considered a raid?

Select one of the following:

  • Helicopter Patrol on Illegal areas is the same as on ground, it has the same rules on times and checking.

  • Other (Incorrect)


Question 12 of 24


A suspect you have arrested is asking for a lawyer, would you grant their request?

Select one of the following:

  • Lawyer RP is always welcome. the request should be granted as long as it is necessary to do so

  • No (Incorrect)


Question 13 of 24


What is your primary tool as an LSPD Officer?

Select one of the following:

  • Voice

  • Other (incorrect)


Question 14 of 24


Can you commit crimes on your cop character?

Select one of the following:

  • No (with exception to minor traffic violations)

  • Other (incorrect)


Question 15 of 24


What are the various Witness types?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Direct Witness:
    You witness a crime being committed. (Probable cause to search)
    Off duty police officer is classed as a direct witness to any On duty officers, since he is a law abiding citizen by standard.

  • Relayed Witness:
    A relayed witness is another LSPD ON DUTY OFFICER providing you with information on crimes: use this information the same as a Direct Witness.

  • Eye Witness:
    A civilian provides information about a crime. Gather as much evidence as possible, investigate and role play. (Not probable cause to search)


Question 16 of 24


Can you use knowledge gained on your cop character on your civilian/criminal character

Select one of the following:

  • No

  • Other (Incorrect)


Question 17 of 24


If your ridealong PO goes off duty, what must you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Go off duty as well or request a new ridealong

  • nothing (incorrect)


Question 18 of 24


You are walking on the sidewalk when someone comes up behind you and aims a gun at your head saying "officer put your hands up or i'll shoot". what would you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Comply with their demands

  • do a 180 and shoot him (incorrect)


Question 19 of 24


When is the RTO (Radio Traffic Only) Rule applied?

Select one of the following:

  • when in a radio channel on TS

  • other (incorrect)


Question 20 of 24


A medic comes to you, points at an individual and tells you that he robbed him. can you arrest the individual that he pointed at for robbery?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes (incorrect)

  • No


Question 21 of 24


What is the chain of command from lowest to highest?

Select one of the following:

  • Cadet, Police Officer, Senior Police Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Chief of Police

  • other (incorrect)


Question 22 of 24


What must you always do to let other officers know that your GPS/Radio has been taken?

Select one of the following:

  • Announce on comms that they have been taken

  • other (incorrect)


Question 23 of 24


You are processing a suspect and his jail time totals to 45 months, how would you transport him to jail?

Select one of the following:

  • contact BCSO or transport yourself using the prison bus

  • other (incorrect)


Question 24 of 24


What charges are NOT stackable?

Select one of the following:

  • Weapon Trafficking, Possession of burglary equipment

  • other (incorrect)
