Created by Steven Pearson
about 7 years ago
how many types of active devices are there?
what are they called?
1) Draw the structure of a MOSFET
2) Draw the symbols for the two types of MOSFET
1) Draw the structure for a BJT
2) Draw the symbols for the two types of BJT's
what does MOSFET stand for?
1) How many operation regions are there for BJT and MOSFET and what are they called?
2) Draw The output characteristics
Draw the equivalent band model for a MOSFET device at mid-band frequency
Draw the equivalent band model for a BJT device at mid-band frequency
With the aid of the MOSFET’s structure, explain the origin of the parasitic
At what operating conditions will these capacitors start to play an
important role, why?
With the aid of the BJT's structure, explain the origin of the parasitic
At what operating conditions will these capacitors start to play an
important role, why?
Draw the equivalent band model for a MOSFET device at high-band frequency
Draw the equivalent band model for a BJT device at high-band frequency
list the Major differences between
what is also known as a DC Bias Point
and what is it used for
what is the equation for Id current of a MOSFET whilst in the active region?
how do you double check that the MOSFET is in the Active reigion?
what is the equation for calculating RD over a mosfet?
how do you add coupling capacitors in to this circuit?
and what is the function of them?
what is the equation for calculating Impedance ( Z ) ?
rearrange this equation to find frequency ( F ) ?
convert this circuit to its ac equivalent
what are the golden rules?
how do you check the circuit is really equivalent?
how do you calculate resistors in parallel?
eg: R1 & R2
Draw equivalent circuit at high-band.
what does A stand for?
how is GM calculated over a mosfet AC equivalent circuit? - the equation
what is the equation for calculating gain (A) over a mosfet device?
what is the formula for GM when gm and A are not given?
how is Rin calcualted?
what is the formula for critical frequency?
what is a bypass capacitor and what is are coupling capacitors?