Al Huda Canada
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

حي على الصلاة | Let's Revive Our Salaah An in-depth study on the topic of Salaah Taught by Dr Farhat Hashmi To join through Telegram, Tap here

Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago

حي على الصلاة | Let's Revive Our Salaah | Importance of Salaah | Quiz 6

Question 1 of 5


Salah is a way to _____ Allah...
...نماز اللہ سے ______ کا ذریعہ ہے
(According to the audio :)

Select one of the following:

  • Concentration | خشوع

  • Have Secret Conversation | سرگوشی

  • Fear | خوف

  • Hope | امید


Question 2 of 5


When a person ______ then Allah turns his attention away from him
جب بندہ ______ ہے تو اللہ اس سے منہ موڑ لیتا ہے

Select one of the following:

  • Diverts his attention from Allah during prayer
    نماز میں منہ موڑتا ہے

  • Doesn't make dua to Allah
    اللہ سے دعا نہیں کرتا

  • Doesn't pray
    جب نماز نہیں پڑھتا


Question 3 of 5


Who is Salah for?
نماز کن کے لیے ہے

Select one of the following:

  • امت محمد اور قوم موسی کے لیے
    For the nations of Musa and Rasul Allah ﷺ

  • امت محمد کے لیے
    For the nation of Muhammad ﷺ

  • تمام انبیاء اور انکی اقوام کے لیے
    For all the former prophets & nations


Question 4 of 5


Select the correct statement:
کونسا جملا درست ہے

Select one of the following:

  • انبیا قبر میں بھی نماز پڑھتے ہیں
    Prophets pray in their graves

  • انبیا قبر میں بھی حج کرتے ہیں
    Prophets do Hajj in their graves

  • انسان کا جسم مٹی پر حرام ہے
    A persons body is unlawful upon the ground to devour


Question 5 of 5


What is the meaning of Iman billah?
اللہ پر ایمان لانا کیا ہے؟

Select one or more of the following:

  • Iman in Allah's Existence
    للہ کی ذات پر ایمان

  • Iman in Allah's Names and His Attributes
    اللہ کی اسما و صفات پر ایمان

  • Iman in Allah being Worthy of Worship
    اللہ کی الوہیت پر ایمان

  • Iman in Allah's Lordship
    اللہ کی ربوبیت پر ایمان
