Created by Greta Westwood
almost 12 years ago
What had the government become increasingly concerned about in the early 20th century?
Why did the Government set of a national Emergency Medical service?
What did the Emergency Medical service do?
As part of the Emergency Medical Service, what did hospitals do?
What report in 1942 identified disease as a problem for the government to deal with after the Second World War?
Why was the Beveridge report so important?
When was the NHS (National Health Service) set up?
Why did Aneurin (Nye) Bevan, the Minister for Health, face huge opposition from doctors?
Why did people want to create a 'New World' with better conditions for all?
When was there much more acceptance about the government being involved in people's lives?
When had there been a need to organise hospitals and medical staff?
What did Significant medical breakthroughs mean could be done?
As part of the NHS, taxes were used to pay for a wide range of care.
For example...?
Why did the NHS have a major impact on people's health?
Why is the cost of the NHS now a major problem for the government?
Why do many people now have some form of private health insurance?