Hygiene is one of the main objects of the preventive medicine
What is a hygienic norm?
a law document about the quality indices of environmental factors
the maximal or minimal physiologically safe levels of environmental factors
The main branches of hygiene are:
childhood and adolescent hygiene
occupational medicine
hygiene of nutrition
The specific methods of hygiene are:
sanitary description
sanitary investigation
biochemical method
complex hygienic method
Which are the types of health control?
preliminary and current
The monitoring of drinking water is
periodical and permanent
The permanent manicuring of drinking water includes:
organoleptic analysis
physical and chemical indices
epidemiological indices
microbiological indices
The hardness of water depends on the content of:
calcium and magnesium
iron and manganese
The hardness of water is expressed by mini-equivalent per liter (meqV/l)
The organoleptic indices of drinking water are:
color, taste, hardness, colony counts
color, taste, odor, turbidity
color, taste, odor, hardness
Indicate the laboratory analysis for the drinking water quality according to Instruction No. 9 / 2001 year:
organoleptic indices
radiological indices
Water odor should be no more than 2 bales at temperature of 20°C
Which is the hygienic norm for the nitrate content in drinking water?
50 mg/l
100 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
Nitrites are indicators for recent organic pollution of water
Which elements and compounds have influence on the organoleptic indices of drinking water?
ammonia and nitrite
chlorides and sulfate
What is oxidation?
This is the oxygen in 1 liter water
This is the oxygen, necessary for the oxidation of organic substances in 1 liter water
This is the organic matter in 1 liter water
The water pH determination may be measured with:
pH-indicator paper
Merck-colorimetric pH test
Which is the hygienic norm of the residual chlorine in drinking water?
0.3-0.4 mg/l
1.0-3.0 mg/l
0.05-0.08 mg/l
Which physical methods are used for disinfection of drinking water?
ultraviolet radiation
infrared radiation
The residual chlorine in drinking water is:
free residual chlorine
combined residual chlorine
free and combined residual chlorine
The maximum permissible level of chlorides in drinking water is 250 mg/l
Microbiological indices of drinking water are:
Staphylococcus aureus
Is the coliform permissible in 100 ml of drinking water?
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in closed gems is used for:
assessment of the air quality
efficacy of the ventilation system
index of the thermal comfort
The concentration of CO2 near to 8-10 vol. % causes death
The content of nitrogen in the atmospheric air is:
about 78 vol.%
about 69 vol.%
about 85 vol.%
The main sources of air pollution are:
domestic sources
The natural pollutants of the atmospheric air are:
volcanic activity
ocean sands
smoke and dust
desert sands
The types of air pollution limits in Bulgaria are
daily permissible concentration
season permissible concentration
hour permissible concentration
annual permissible concentration
Gaseous pollutants are removed from ambient air for analysis by use of:
titration of the sample
grab sampling
Which are the air pollutants?
nitrogen dioxide
carbon monoxide
Dust is classified as:
Methods for dust analysis are:
The microclimate includes the following physical factors:
temperature, humidity, air velocity, infrared radiation
temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, ultraviolet radiation
The instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure is:
”Wind rose" is:
a flower-like diagram indicating the relative frequencies of different wind direction for given station and period of time
a dynamic complex of meteorological factors in respect to given place for short period of time
Absolute humidity is the weight of water vapor in a unit volume of air. It is expressed in g/m3 or Pa
Barometric pressure varies with:
air pollutants
The basic methods for measuring the humidity are.
hydrometry (direct method)
psychrometry (indirect method)
Kata thermometer is:
a mercury thermometer
an alcohol thermometer
a glob thermometer
Infrared radiation occupies the region in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and visible light
The scale of Bedford for determination of subjective thermal sensation is:
7 bale - very hot, hot, warm. comfort, less cool, cool, cold
5 bale - hot, warm, comfort, cool, cold
Which is the hygienic norm of the air temperature in an living rooms?
20 - 22°C
15 - 16°C
28 - 30°C
Which is the hygienic norm of the air velocity in the living rooms?
0.5 - 1 m/s
1 - 2 m/s
0.2 - 0.4 m/s
Which is the hygienic norm of humidity in the living rooms?
10 - 20%
40 - 60%
80 - 100%
For efficient vision, the following light factors are essential:
sufficiency, distribution, absence of glare, absence of slurp shadows, steadiness, color of light
sufficiency, distribution, the wind, color of light, temperature
Types of ventilation are
natural ventilation
mechanical ventilation
Artificial ventilation may be of the following types:
exhaust ventilation
plenum ventilation
the wind
balanced ventilation
air conditioning
The air velocity, the wind direction, the air temperature and the humidity are meteorological factors, which determine the microclimate in appointed area.