What muscles are innervated by the Axillary nerve?
Deltoids, Teres Minor, Teres Major
Deltoids, Teres Major, Coracobrachialis
Deltoids, Teres Minor, Triceps Brachii
Deltoids, Teres Major
What muscle is NOT innervated by the Musculocutaneous nerve?
Biceps Brachii
Which fact is incorrect for Pectoralis Major?
Attachments include medial 1/2 of clavicle, anterior sternum, coastal cartilages ribs 1-6, and medial lip of bicipital groove
Innervated by both medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Main action is adduction, horizontal adduction and medial rotation of shoulder
Synergists include latissimus dorsi, subscapularis and teres major
Which action is NOT performed by Coracobrachialis?
Flexion at shoulder
Adduction at shoulder
Horizontal adduction at shoulder
Medial rotation at shoulder
Which statement is TRUE?
Serratus Anterior, O: Costal surface of medial border of scapula I: Ribs 1-9
The Quadrangular space is made up of Teres Major, Teres Minor, Triceps Brachii and the Humerus
Supraspinatus is most active AFTER 30 degrees of adduction at the shoulder
Biceps brachii inserts onto the bicipital aponeurosis and the ulnar tuberosity
Which SITS muscle attaches to the LESSER tubercle of the humerus?
Teres Minor
Which muscle presents with a trigger point referral around the scapula, down the posterior arm (not including forearm) and around the wrist like a watch?
Serratus Anterior
Teres Major
Which muscle DOES NOT have a trigger point referral that reaches the hand?
Triceps Brachii
Which muscles do medial rotation at the shoulder?
Pectoralis Major
Which muscles do lateral rotation of the shoulder?
Which nerve(s) innervate(s) Subscapularis?
Upper & Lower Subscapular
Upper & Lower Suprascapular
Upper Subscapular
Lower Subscapular
What is the capsular pattern of restriction of the Glenohumeral joint?
external rotation > abduction > internal rotation
internal rotation > abduction > external rotation
internal rotation > external rotation > abduction
abduction > external rotation > internal rotation
What is the capsular pattern of restriction for the Humeroulnar joint?
Flexion > Extension
Extension > Flexion
Flexion = Extension
Supination = Pronation
Pronation > Supination
What is the capsular pattern of restriction for the Humeroradial joint?
How many muscles attach to the scapula?
How many muscles attach to the Clavicle?