Created by Katie Jordan
almost 12 years ago
Copied by Tom Lea
almost 12 years ago
Copied by Jake Davey
almost 12 years ago
What created the fear of civil war?
What happened after the war when the army was being demobbed?
Why was moral in the army very low?
Which Nationalist Campaign launched the Quit India Movement (which soon turned violent) and created the fear of a renewed call for Civil Disobiedence?
Which nationalist campaign was the first serious uprising since the Great Rebellion and What caused an Anti-Brisish feeling?
Why did Britain have war time debts and how muuch was it?
What were the reconstruction costs for?
What type of person was Atlee and what did he want?
How much was the war time debts?
When was Atlee elected as prime minister?
In the 1946 Bombay munity , in which 20,000 soliders mutinied, who stopped the munity and what did this show?
Who estimated that the running of the empire would be £1.4 billion?