Created by Mia Li
over 7 years ago
What are the essential steps of exercise prescription?
What steps follow the exercise selection?
What are the three foundational principles of exercise prescription?
What does SAID stand for and what does it mean?
How do we implement specificity into the program?
What does the principle of overload mean and which parameters can we alter to achieve it?
When progression is ___________, ________ and __________, it is called periodization.
What two main components does 'needs analysis' consist of?
Sport assessment includes:
Athlete analysis consists of
Movement analysis includes
Physiological analysis studies _______
Injury analysis looks at ___________ and __________.
By looking at which 5 factors can an athlete be classified as beginner, intermediate, and advanced?
After evaluating the athlete's sport and the person, we can determine a primary training goal to improve:
T/F: the physical evaluation should be selected based on athlete assessment and goal.
Give an example test for the following categories:
1. strength
2. power
3. muscular endurance
4. speed
5. cardiovascular endurance
Which factors affect the exercise selection?
How should the exercise type be progressed form the very beginning?
Which factors determine the training frequency?
What is the main idea behind frequency?
A beginner should train ______ times a week.
An intermediate player should train _____ times a week.
An advanced player should train _____ times a week.
More recovery time is needed for ____________, ____________, __________.
How should exercises be ordered based on level of difficulty?
How can you alternate the exercise to allow for optimal active recovery?
Circuit training is when the rest period is _______ between all exercises.
Supersets are when a pair of exercise that stress (opposing/similar) muscle groups are pergormed with minimal rest.
Compound sets are a pair of exercises targeting the opposing/same muscle group.
Load is the _______ assigned.
Repetition is the ________ the exercise is performed.
Load and rep should be ______ related.
80% 1 RM is about ___ RM.
Strength training should be targeting ______ load for about ______ reps.
Single-effort power training should be targeting _______ load and ____ reps.
multi-effort power training should be targeting _________ load and ______ reps.
Hypertrophy should be targeting _______ load and ______ reps.
Endurance should be targeting _____ load and _____ reps.
One should start with (higher reps/ higher load) within the load range.
What is the 2 - for - 2 rule?
How much weight should be progressed for less trained athletes?
How much weight should be increased for more trained athletes?
What are the 2 ways of calculating volume?
T/F: a single set is enough for the untrained in the first few weeks of RT.
Rest period for:
1. strength
2. power
3. hypertrophy
4. muscular endurance
Macrocycle is the entire training duration, usually __________.
Mesocycles are division of the macrocycle, usually ______ to ______.
Microcycle are division o the mesocycle, usually _____ to ______.
In older adults, which parameter increases significantly in older adults undergoing block periodization?
How do you periodize non-traditional resistance exercises?