Created by Cath Warriner
over 10 years ago
What are the four roles you can adopt as part of your GCSE examination?
What is the role of a player/performer?
What is the role of a leader/coach?
What is the role of an organiser?
What is the role of an official?
Name 3 qualities of a player/performer.
Name 3 qualities of a leader/coach
Name 3 qualities of an organiser.
Name 3 qualities of an official.
The National Curriculum for PE groups activities into different ways of thinking. Games like football and netball fall into which way of thinking?
The National Curriculum for PE groups activities into different ways of thinking. Trampolining and diving fall into which way of thinking?
The National Curriculum for PE groups activities into different ways of thinking. Street dance and theatrical dance fall into which way of thinking?
The National Curriculum for PE groups activities into different ways of thinking. Cross country and athletics fall into which way of thinking?
The National Curriculum for PE groups activities into different ways of thinking. Personal survival and rock climbing fall into which way of thinking?
The National Curriculum for PE groups activities into different ways of thinking. Circuit training and indoor rowing fall into which way of thinking?
Name 3 different types of officials.
Name 2 benefits a pupil will gain from adopting the role of a player/performer within their PE lesson.
Name 2 benefits a pupil will gain from adopting the role of a leader/coach within their PE lesson.
Name 2 benefits a pupil will gain from adopting the role of an organiser within their PE lesson.
Name 2 benefits a pupil will gain from adopting the role of an official within their PE lesson.
How is sport offered in schools?
What is the National Curriculum?
Why is PE offered in schools?
What benefits will a pupil gain through participating in GCSE PE?
What does cross-curricular mean?
How is PE linked with maths?
How is PE linked with science?
How is PE linked with geography?
How is PE linked with food technology?
How is PE linked with ICT?
What does extra-curricular mean?
Give 3 examples of when extra curricular PE is delivered.
Give 3 examples of the types of activities that the school may offer as an extra curricular activity.
What does recreational sport mean?
What does competitive sport mean?
How can teachers increase participation levels in their school?
How can teachers influence participation?
How can the facilities at schools affect performance levels?
If schools have limited facilities and expertise what can the staff do inorder to promote a range of sporting opportunities?
Sports performance and proficiency awards allow children to gain qualifications and be rewarded for their efforts. Name and explain two specific award schemes.
Name a coaching qualification a pupil could gain in a named sport.
Name an officiating qualification in a named sport.