problem domain
brainstorming technique
noun technique
identifier or key
compound attribute
multiplicity constraints
binary associations
unary association
ternary association
n-ary association
data entities
entity-relationship diagram (ERD)
semantic net
domain classes
class diagram
domain model
camelback notation or camelcase notation
association class
generalization/specialization relationship
abstract class
concrete class
whole-part relationship
What are the two key concepts that define functional requirements?
What is the problem domain?
What is a “thing” called in models used by traditional analysts and database analysts?
What is a “thing” called in newer approaches that use UML?
What are two techniques for identifying things in the problem domain?
What are some examples of tangible things in the problem domain of a restaurant?
What are some sites or locations in the problem domain of a restaurant?
What are some roles played by people in the problem domain of a restaurant?
What are the main steps of the brainstorming technique?
Explain why identifying nouns helps identify things in the problem domain?
What are the main steps of the noun technique?
What is an attribute, an identifier or key, and a compound attribute?
What is an association, and what system development standard defines it?
How would you describe or name the association between a ship and a captain?
What is the term used for association by traditional analysts and database analysts?
What is multiplicity, and what is the other term used by traditional analysts and database analysts?
What is the minimum multiplicity for the association that reads a customer places zero or more orders?
What is the maximum multiplicity for the association that reads an order is placed by exactly one customer?
What are some examples of multiplicity constraints?
What are the three types of associations, and which is the most commonly used?
What are the three key parts of an entity relationship diagram (ERD)?
Sketch a simple ERD that shows a team has zero or more players and each player is on one and only one team.
Sketch a semantic net that shows two teams and five players based on your ERD.
What is a class, a domain class, and the key parts of a class diagram?
What does a domain model class diagram show about system requirements, and how is it different from an ERD?
List appropriate UML class names by using the camelback notation for the following classes: graduate student, undergraduate major, course instructor, and final exam feedback.
Draw a simple domain model class diagram for the example in question #22 where a team has zero or more players and each player is on one and only one team.
What is an association class? Extend the domain model class diagram for teams and players about to show a record of game statistics for each player in each game.
In UML, what are three types of relationships found on a class diagram?
What is a generalization/specialization relationship, and what object-oriented terms does it illustrate?
Compare/contrast superclass and subclass. Compare/contrasts abstract class and concrete class.
What is a whole-part relationship, and why does it show multiplicity?
Compare/contrast aggregation with composition for a whole part relationship.