Ecosystem structure concepts


1º ESO Biology and Geology Slide Set on Ecosystem structure concepts, created by Sara MI on 10/02/2021.
Sara MI
Slide Set by Sara MI, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Sara MI
Created by Sara MI over 3 years ago
Sara MI
Copied by Sara MI over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 2

      ABIOTIC FACTORS are the chemical and physical components of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems.
    Caption: : What abiotic factors determine this ecosystem?

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      BIOTIC FACTORS are the living organisms that influence the structure of an ecosystem. They may refer to the flora and fauna of a site and their interactions.
    Caption: : What biotic factors condition this ecosystem?

Slide 4

      An ECOSYSTEM is a community of living beings whose life processes are related to each other and develop according to the physical factors of the same environment. Video: What is an ecosystem?
    Caption: : What are the components of this ecosystem?

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        The HABITAT is the physical area or place with all its physical-environmental characteristics where the species that inhabit it are found.
    Caption: : Which habitat is involved?

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    The ECOLOGICAL NICHE is defined as those biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem used by a species. It is the survival strategy used by a species to feed itself, compete with other species, avoid being attacked, etc. In other words, the ecological niche is the functional role or function of an organism within the habitat. Link: Ecological niche - Definition, examples and quiz
    Caption: : What is the role of the blue whale in marine ecosystems?

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        BIOTOPE is an area of uniform environmental conditions that provides living space for a biological community.
    Caption: : Which biotope is involved?

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      BIOCENOSIS is an association of organisms of different plant or animal species that live and reproduce in a given biotope.
    Caption: : Which species make up this biocenosis?

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      The ECOTONE is a place where ecological components are in tension. It is the transition zone between two or more distinct biocenoses. Generally, each ecotone is home to species of fauna and flora specific to both communities, but particular organisms, alien to both, may also be found.
    Caption: : Which ecotone is it?

Slide 10

      BIODIVERSITY refers to the variety of plant and animal species in their environment.   Video: What is biodiversity?
    Caption: : How many different species can you see in this forest?

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      A BIOME, also called a bioclimatic landscape or biotic area, is a certain part of the planet that shares the same climate, flora and fauna. It is the set of ecosystems characteristic of a biogeographic area that is defined based on its vegetation and the animal species that predominate.
    Caption: : Terrestrial biomes classified according to vegetation: Can you distinguish which biome the Iberian Peninsula is part of?
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