Mapa conceptual de los diferentes tiempos que se usan para el futuro en inglés.


Autor: Víctor Josué
Lucero Botello
Flowchart by Lucero Botello, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucero Botello
Created by Lucero Botello over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • The future time
  • Will
  • Applications and examples
  • Structure
  • Actions or states in the future (no plans)
  • Promises or intentions
  • example: They will dance all night long.  
  • example:: I will always help you.  
  • Affirmative Sentences
  • Negative Sentences
  • Interrogative Sentences
  • subject + "will" + main verb
  • "Will" + subject+ main verb?
  • subject + "will" + "not" + main verb.
  • example She will [She’ll] arrive late. 
  • example: She will not [won’t] arrive late.
  • example Will she arrive late? 
  • Structure
  • Applications and examples
  • Negative Sentences
  • Interrogative Sentences
  • Affirmative Sentences
  • When there is evidence that something is going to happen we use “going to”.
  • It's used “going to” for plans. The intention to do something is indicated.
  • example: She is not going to arrive late.
  • subject+ Auxiliar verb (to be) + “not” + “going to” + main verb.
  • example Is she going to arrive late?
  •   Auxiliar verb (to be) + subject+ “going to” +main verb? I
  • subject + Auxiliar verb (to be) + “going to” + main verb.
  • example She is going to arrive late.
  • example: It is going to be a great party.
  • example We are going to have a party tonight.
  • Going to
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