19.2 American Power Tips the Balance


US History (Chapter 19 - World War I ) Quiz on 19.2 American Power Tips the Balance, created by Pablo Diaz Ramos on 29/01/2017.
Pablo Diaz Ramos
Quiz by Pablo Diaz Ramos, updated more than 1 year ago
Pablo Diaz Ramos
Created by Pablo Diaz Ramos over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Who was Eddie Rickenbacker and how was he significant in WWI?
  • a famous fighter pilot known as the “American ace of aces” who fought the Flying Circus led by the Red Baron
  • a senior United States Army officer, most famous as the commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) on the Western Front in World War I
  • he was one of the most decorated soldiers of the United States Army in World War, who received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, killing at least 28 German soldiers, and capturing 132 others

Question 2

How did the US raise an army for the War?
  • They required to all men and women to fight in the War so they were obliged to train for 7 months in case of being called for war
  • Congress passed the Selective Service Act in 1917: where men were required to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.

Question 3

Who were allowed to enter the US army and what were the inductees' positions?
  • White men - who served in any position required
  • African Americans - who served in any position required
  • African Americans - who served in the military in segregated units and were excluded from the navy and the marines.
  • Women - who served in any position of their choice
  • Women - who served as nurses, secretaries and telephone operators with full military rank.

Question 4

Training was rather harsh (8 months, partly in US and partly in Europe, target practice, bayonet drill, etc) weapons were short in supply and soldiers often drilled with fake weapons.
  • True
  • False

Question 5

What was the convoy system?
  • was a system used to avoid German U-boat attacks to merchant ships, where a heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships back and forth across the Atlantic in groups
  • men were required to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service
  • tank offensive plans made by the Germans to invade Belgium

Question 6

How did the US expand its navy so quickly?
  • The government exempted many shipyard workers from the draft and gave others a “deferred” classification. Delaying their participation in the draft
  • They distributed service flags to families of shipyard workers and urged automobile owners to give shipyard employees rides to and from work , since streetcars were so crowded.
  • Government used nuclear weapons to bombard Germany to put an end to the U-Boats and the British blockade
  • Shipyards used fabrication techniques. Standardized parts were built elsewhere and then assembled at the yard (reduced construction time substantially)
  • Government took over commercial and private ships and converted them to transatlantic war use

Question 7

What was one of the main moral contributions that Americans provided to the Allies?
  • enthusiasm, freshness, and determination to beat the Germans
  • Nervousness and depression
  • Moral affection

Question 8

Who lead the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) during WWI?
  • General John J. Pershing
  • Sergeant Alvin York

Question 9

How were Pershing's infantry men nicknamed?
  • The Backstreet boys
  • The chosen ones
  • Doughboys
  • The fighters of liberty

Question 10

What were the most innovative weapons during WWI?
  • Airplanes
  • Machine guns
  • Tanks
  • Yellow submarines

Question 11

What were some of the new Hazards in WWI
  • Strokes
  • Filth
  • Lice
  • Rats
  • Polluted water → dysentery
  • Poison gas
  • Lack of sleep
  • Bombardments → battle fatigue
  • Shell shock: emotional collapse from which never recovered
  • Trench foot

Question 12

Who was Alvin York?
  • war hero during the fightings in the Meuse-Argonne are by killing 32 Germans and capturing 132 prisoners with only a rifle and a revolver (plus 6 more doughboys)
  • founder of New York
  • Leader of the AEF

Question 13

What is a conscientious objector?
  • a person who opposes welfare on moral grounds
  • A map drawer during WWI

Question 14

What was the armistice?
  • The truce that ended WWI
  • The British' secret army
  • The most famous german U-Boat
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